A short moment with Jasper

A short moment with Jasper

A short moment with Jasper

The day is sunny and the truck is breaking free and heading headlong for the guardrail. Jasper pulls hard on the wheel trying to corral the truck back onto the road. The gunman is almost unfazed as he watches both the impending event and Jasper. The gun never lowers.

Jasper is able to bring the truck back to the road. However it was a near thing. The other traffic on the road has given them a wide berth. Furthermore, he is able to avoid any collisions, as he regains the highway. The gunman steadies himself and continues watching Jasper.

For his part Jasper feels disbelief. First at the barely rescued truck. Then, with what had happened. And what had happened? What the hell? Indeed, where were they? Moreover, where did all the cops go? The state troopers, and the guns, as well as the bullets?

A Short Moment with Jasper

Furthermore why weren’t they dead? Another thought races through Jasper’s mind. How?

Now he feels the first tinges of anger creeping up into his thoughts. Moreover, it spreads like hot wax across his mind. Dissipating his confusion and fears almost immediately. The gunman is still watching him. And the gun is held steady. Jasper’s decision is simple.

A short moment with Jasper

He had already been prepared for the worst and somehow had avoided it. Rather than question it Jasper intended to use it to his advantage. The gunman senses Jasper’s train of thought. Therefore, he aims the gun more intensely at Jasper.

“You’re going to want to keep focused on the road Jasper. What just happened is none of your concern. You are to keep driving, or else.”

That was the straw. Feeling his indignation, Jasper turns his head slowly, and asks his first, and last question.

Or else what?

With Jasper

The gunman isn’t expecting the change. And, as his eyes are forming a surprised look, Jasper cuts the wheel hard right, causing the gunman to fall into Jasper. The truck veers toward the side of the road and strikes the guardrail at full force. Hard.

Everything that comes next, happens quickly. As the gunman falls into Jasper, he grabs and holds tightly, and the truck rams the guardrail. The force of impact ejects Jasper, and his kidnapper. Then the lights go out, temporally*.


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