Butterbeans and pogo sticks

Butterbeans and pogo sticks

It’s a very grey day when Alex awakens. It’s early December, so it isn’t a surprise, that it’s on the chilly side. All through the night he had tossed and turned. Now that the morning has arrived he decides to end the quest for sleep.

Butterbeans agrees. They stumble their way to the kitchen for breakfast. Alex will have the coffee and Butter beans will have her breakfast. It is their morning routine.

Alex prepares Butter bean’s food, and sets the tray next to her water bowl. She begins eating hungrily as he begins preparing the morning coffee. Their day today was going to be long.

Butter beans and pogo sticks


Once upon a time they were three. Alex decides to cancel that thought today. There were pressing matters for both Butterbeans and Alex today, they needed to keep a chin up. Positive vibes.

A small break in the routine was what had been prescribed. However, looking back on it now, it’s easy to tell the break in the routine was the cause of the current dilemma. Perhaps, dilemma was a strong word compared to the actual event. However, the routine change, had been the catalyst.

The rest of the morning passes quickly as they finish breakfast and get ready for the day. It is just after mid morning, when they pull onto the road heading to the base. Butterbeans is perched in her usual position in the back seat. Seatbelts adjusted, and down the highway they go.

Butterbeans is a golden retriever and more intelligent than any dog Alex has ever encountered. Furthermore, Alex and Butterbeans have been friends since Butterbeans was born. It was a part of the training.

They reach the road that leads to the base and Alex turns onto the secondary highway. Furthermore, it would be less than five minutes now. The feeling of anticipation had begun to build, and he could feel his nerves getting jumpy. Butterbeans could feel it too, for at that moment she yipped softly from the rear seat.

Pogo Sticks

In the distance the base comes into view. The sun is high in the sky, as they round the bend in the road that leads to the guard house. Butterbeans yaps excitedly. He could feel it too, their assignment would be extreme today.

He pulls the truck up to the guard house, it is a standard greeting and more about staying true to form. The base had known of their arrival nearly ten miles ago. In fact the base had known when they had had their breakfast that morning.

Security was tighter here than almost anywhere else in the world. Indeed, it was more than just a base, it housed some of the most bizarre secrets the world had never known. Alex and Butterbeans were a special team, that worked at the base, helping with security.

The base

Their base of operations was in the desert, military related, and had an infamous name. It was not the sort of place that was known for being open to outsiders. Alex and Butterbeans had special clearance.

In fact, they had one of the top security clearances possible at the base. They experienced secrecy on a regular basis. That was the nature of the base, everything about it was a secret, including Alex and Butterbeans. ~to be continued

Home Depot

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