Butterbeans and the Daring Ghost of Caper Town

Butterbeans and the Ghost of Caper Town

Butterbeans and the Daring Ghost of Caper Town

Alex and Emily Kate exit the truck and quickly follow Butterbeans. They can hear her distress. In fact, she is barking furiously, and Alex begins to run now. He recognizes this sound. Butterbeans is protecting someone. There is some form of danger up ahead, and Alex is certain it involves Jared. Emily Kate is running as well, and almost faster than Alex.

With this in mind, it only takes them a couple of minutes to reach the center of the old ghost town. Alex stops, and listens intently for Butterbeans. As he does, Emily Kate stops beside him, and they both scan the old town. Both are looking for where Butterbeans might be. Furthermore, Alex knows where Butterbeans is, Jared will be as well.

Butterbeans and the Daring Ghost of Caper Town

Butterbeans senses something is in the tavern with them. Additionally, she can sense the menacing nature of the entity. Therefore, her hair stands up on her hackles, and she begins barking furiously. She knows Jared is in great fear and is hardly able to move. Therefore, she takes a few steps toward the menacing figure. She is acutely aware that it has a weapon.

Butterbeans and the Ghost of Caper Town

Jared is relieved the moment Butterbeans enters the tavern. Furthermore, he can feel his panic easing up, as she begins barking furiously at the dark figure advancing on them. The sound fills the old tavern, and the silhouette begins to fade ever so slightly. Likewise, he can no longer hear spurs striking the floor with each step the silhouette takes.

Jared watches Butterbeans take several steps toward the menacing figure as she growls and barks. He feels the goose bumps race across his being, as he notices the silhouette is no longer holding the large side iron. Then, with each step forward from Butterbeans, the ghostly figure continues to fade. Likewise, Jared watches in awe as she leaps toward the silhouette. However, before she makes any contact, the ghostly figure vanishes.

Family Reunion at Caper Town

Alex is certain Butterbeans is in the tavern across the old town square. Furthermore, he can hear her becoming even more agitated and furious. She and Jared must be in real trouble. So he takes off running, full throttle, toward the sound. Emily Kate is on his heels and they cross the town square quickly.

As they near the old tavern, Alex can see Jared through the open door. He is standing in the main area, facing away from them. Then, as they reach the old building, Emily Kate shouts her brother’s name. Jared turns around just as they burst through the open door.

As Alex enters the old tavern, he sees Butterbeans intently searching the floor on the far side of the room. She turns and quickly runs to him, as he arrives. Emily Kate runs straight to Jared, who appears very relieved. Then she hugs him tightly. Alex can sense that something dramatic has just occurred however he can see nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, the old tavern is full of dust and cobwebs. It appears to have been undisturbed for many years.


As Alex comforts Butterbeans, Emily Kate releases Jared and looks him over. She appears relieved as well. Then a moment later she asks him if he is okay. She stares at him intently, as he answers.

“I’m okay sis. I was scared at first. Real scared. Then Butterbeans saved me.” He looks at his new friend with admiration. “You’re never gonna believe this Emily, but I swear it’s true.” He turns and looks at Alex, then back at Emily Kate. “I saw him! Right here in this room! Butterbeans saw him too! She chased him away. It was really here just like all the stories say. It was the ghost of Caper town.”

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