Butterbeans party of one

Butterbeans party of one

The lights go out and the party starts. The elevator doors are opening and Butterbeans is on the move. Alex has only seconds before the doors are fully open. In this time, he gets ready, his eyes already adjusting to the darkness.

He hears Butterbeans running pell mell from the elevator car. Her barks echoing into the depths of level 113. This was not common for Butterbeans. This had never happened before, and Alex was perplexed.

He sets their gear alongside the wall after exiting the elevator. Time to get moving, Butterbeans was as much his partner as his friend, and she was alone with the unknown.

Party of One

He moves further into the darkened floor 113, he has his mag light and is carefully observing his surroundings. The area is deserted as well as dark. This is far from normal, considering their team was already in place.

Where were they? Where was Butterbeans?

The newly constructed level had few unknowns so far. However, that did little to ease his apprehension. He continues moving deeper into level 113, he no longer hears Butterbeans. And now a slight sense of panic is working its way into his calm. However, he continues moving further into the level.

From up ahead a very soft glow emanates. He moves toward the glowing area, certain that this is where he will find his friend. As he approaches the area. The glow intensifies, until suddenly, and glaringly, light explodes everywhere.

Alex blinks rapidly, his eyes adjusting, as a loud cheer erupts all round him. He is momentarily startled and confused.

“Happy Birthday!” the shout is loud and quite unexpected. Alex jumps and then is ambushed by a furry entity, and several other well wishers. He was definitely surprised.

Butterbeans is giving Alex much attention as everyone cheers. She barks happily, as several of the team move in to congratulate Alex. The Lieutenant is first among them, and she shakes Alex’s hand. “Happy Birthday Alex, glad to have you and Butterbeans working with our team!”

The Sergeant is next, and claps Alex on the back as he walks past. “Happy birthday Alex.” Within a few minutes Alex is congratulated by the entire team and they are now ready for the day’s work. Alex is still feeling stunned, but Butterbeans is quite happy, with the extra attention!

They gather their gear and move further into level 113, Butterbeans happily leading the way.

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