Catching a Nimbus With a Forest
The clouds drift by in the distance. The distance beyond the thing. Forest wills his eyes to the clouds. Purposefully avoiding looking directly at the thing. He knows it’s talking to him. He would prefer to ignore it.
However, he knows there will be no avoiding this conversation. It had been building since the other night, when Forest had gone outside. Furthermore, now that Forest was thinking about it, he had been toyed with the entire time.
They could have taken Forest at any time. Furthermore, Albert was a distraction. A badly mutated one, but a distraction just the same. Forest giggles. He clamps his mouth shut. To start giggling now would be the beginning of the end.
He feels the panic starting again. His pulse rate skyrockets, and the palms of his hands are sweaty. Not only does he feel panic, but also he feels exasperated. He isn’t surprised. He’s been captured.

He should be congratulated for having not fainted from fear already. He pointedly continues avoiding looking in the direction of it. Moreover it doesn’t help that Albert is still talking. Almost nonstop.
A Nimbus
“Hey pal, what gives? Why you gotta be like that? We’re all friends here, old buddy!”
Forest looks at Albert, an upside down houseplant. He resists the urge to frown at Albert. Furthermore, he refuses to have a debate with Albert. For one thing what did Albert know about these things from behind the clouds?
He was a houseplant. Moreover, a poorly potted one. The thing from the clouds takes another step toward Forest. He thinks they are going to chat after all. This is one reason Forest is caught off guard when the thing grabs him.
He is swept up into the embrace of this monstrous winged being. Then he is carried out the door into the sky. He hears Albert’s voice wishing him a safe journey. It all happens so quickly, Forest forgets to pee himself.
They swoop through the clouds with such speed, Forest is grateful he hasn’t eaten. The rushing air is freezing cold at this altitude. And Forest feels his breath taken by the shock. Furthermore he feels sheer terror, and teeters on the edge of consciousness.
They had been plummeting. Now, they were level. The wind zips by Forest’s ears. They begin to climb again, and gain more velocity as they do. Therefore Forest can feel the pressure from the g-force. Despite his fear he feels a sense of exhilaration. He thrills as they rocket skyward.
The skies are darkened from the setting sun. However, they have ample clouds. Forest can feel the moisture and cool vapor of the clouds. It feels sublime to him. He risks opening his eyes. The clouds are a thick blanket of condensation and silence.
A Forest
They are piloting through with, elegant yet extreme, speed. Forest is stunned at how well he feels. Furthermore his fear has subsided. He feels an abundant sense of freedom. They swoop through another cloud bank. Forest feels almost jubilant, until the thing from the clouds, drops him.
He plummets toward the ground. Dropping like a stone. He is too stunned to scream. Therefore his descent is a silent one.
One Year Later
Forest moves to the next area. He is much better at remaining unseen than he was at first. The ones they were observing currently, had no idea.
Just as Forest had not known either. He remains in the thickest cover of the vaporous cloud. It feels so natural for him now, and a part of him had always known he belonged here. This is his home. Somehow he had always known. Home had always been behind the clouds. ~fini
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