Catching a Nimbus With a Forest
Catching a Nimbus With a Forest The clouds drift by in the distance. The distance beyond the thing. Forest wills his eyes to the clouds. Purposefully avoiding looking directly at the thing. He knows it’s talking to him. He would prefer to ignore it. However, he knows there will be no avoiding this conversation. It…
One Cloudy Day
One Cloudy Day Albert is confiding in him. He feels grateful to be trusted and he is trying to pay close attention. He keeps losing track of what Albert is saying. This keeps happening. Something has changed but he can’t put his finger on it. But it’s okay now because it’s the flight attendant. She…
A Break in the Clouds
A Break in the Clouds Forest is shaken, and immediately hangs up on Albert. He literally shakes his head and blinks, at the ludicrous thought, that Albert had just called. He dismisses it as a prank call, and sets his mind on the rest of his work. It was unsettling because of the name. How…
Behind the Clouds2 – Albert Talks
Behind the Clouds2 – Albert Talks Albert had been a good friend. He always listened carefully and never offered an unkind word. Seeing this turned, and grown upside down vision, was disturbing to say the least. It felt unnatural, almost sinister. Forest continues to stare, trying to absorb the sight. It’s a gruesome sight and…
Behind the Clouds
Behind the Clouds Forest, had been tired today. Too much work, not enough rest was fast catching up to him. The drive home had been an effort to stay awake. He had arrived home and checked on Albert, the resident house plant, and gone to bed early. Now it was four in the morning and…