Category: Food and Beverage

  • The excellent chili wrap up

    The excellent chili wrap up

    The excellent chili wrap up Chili wrap ups are excellent. Recipes that include green chilies are usually a little spicy. Sometimes a little zesty as well. This one is no exception and it has cheese! A lot of cheese. Not only is there cheese, but also mushroom cream soup. With this in mind, it might…

  • The carnivore improved pocket chicken

    The carnivore improved pocket chicken

    The carnivore improved pocket chicken Having a go-to chicken snack, is a sweet thing. It is also a bonus when time is short. Especially when there are only a few options for food. Furthermore, recipes combining economy, with great taste, are automatic hits. If it has the right stuff for a carnivore craving, that is.…

  • How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

    How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

    How to fry an egg on the sidewalk Eggs are a great source of protein. They are also excellent for breakfast. Additionally they are very versatile. Depending on the chef, it is possible to cook an egg in several different styles. For example, scrambled or fried, or poached, or even boiled. With an ingredient that…

  • Homemade breakfast power bowl

    Homemade breakfast power bowl

    Homemade breakfast power bowl We were ready for breakfast. The plan was for the traditional menu. Eggs, real sausage, biscuits and gravy and a side of waffles. The basic breakfast. The good stuff. The junior chef was sipping some chocolate milk, in anticipation of a good breakfast, when inspiration struck. The little one has long…

  • Bugs are not meat and how to tell the difference

    Bugs are not meat and how to tell the difference

    Bugs are not meat and how to tell the difference It has been on the world news that animal farting has become a major problem. Once upon a time it was more of a concern with the exhaust on vehicles. Now with the rise of cleaner and greener vehicles, the exhaust is no longer considered…

  • The dinner budget on haystacks

    The dinner budget on haystacks

    The dinner budget on haystacks Is it ever too early to think about what’s for dinner? Getting an early start means a little extra time to prepare. Depending on the size of the dinner party to be fed, this could be a good thing! Dinnertime is an important time. Not only is it a chance…

  • A hot scrambled mess, of eggs

    A hot scrambled mess, of eggs They’re good when they’re fried. A lot of things are good fried. Also they are good boiled and deviled. They are an important and essential ingredient of almost all things baked. However, first thing in the morning, they’re best as a hot scrambled mess! To be fair, this opinion…