Planetary heating and all its great uses
Planetary heating and all its great uses The thermometer reads 30 degrees. It’s down two degrees in the last hour. Furthermore, it’s only four in the afternoon. Which means it will be colder after nightfall. Of course, it is winter time. Which is a slight relief. Earlier this year (during one of the many heat…
A Happy New Year look, and the days ahead
A Happy New Year look, and the days ahead Happy New Year! That was not a shout, in case anyone with sensitive ears is reading this article, this morning. In fact, some light reading might be helpful. But not too much light. It might even help to dim the screen just a bump. If none…
Apples and oranges, do they actually compare?
Apples and oranges, do they actually compare? In this crazy busy world there are always options. Well, almost always. However, when there are options it’s a good thing. Or at least, it is usually a good thing. Take apples and oranges, for example. That is an option from the start. Apples are not the same…
Retro television and the best names from the past
Retro television and the best names from the past It’s some of the best TV out there these days. It’s witty, in touch, and has many interesting story lines. Similarly there are commercials. Particularly for the nostalgic ones who appreciate the irony, of old meets new. Of course, this is in regard to retro television.…
Drones in the sky and the need to know
Drones in the sky and the need to know It’s a classic situation. Straight out of the movies. Drones are flying. More and more over the last few weeks, there are reports of drones in the sky. They are mysterious, and other than being visible, almost no one knows anything about their origin. Much less…
Saturday night and the best of the auctioneer
Saturday night and the best of the auctioneer It was the seventies. Times were young, and they were changing fast. There were new inventions, new trends and new toys. Evil Knieval was stunning everyone with his daredevil stunts. And the Rubik’s cube had taken the world by storm, which was an interesting twist. Furthermore, in…
The easy cure for what ails
The easy cure for what ails A third article on this topic may begin to cover some of it. Other news sources, and bloggers, as well as countless organizations have addressed this topic. It’s been covered in papers, and reports, and breaking news articles. All of which talk about it in one form or another.…