Category: Health and Wellness

  • Easy and Fun Workouts for Beginners at Home

    Easy and Fun Workouts for Beginners at Home

    Easy and Fun Workouts for Beginners at Home Working out always sounds like work. If the word exercise is used instead, it still sounds like work. Funny how that works. If the word fun is in play, that changes everything. Fun isn’t work, fun is fun! It says so in the name! Yes, it is…

  • The Growth Spurt

    The Growth Spurt

    The Growth Spurt (Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction and in no way relates to or represents any organization or individuals. Any similarities are purely and completely unintended and fictional.) It was 6:00 a.m. Time to start. Daniel rolls out of bed and stumbles to the kitchen for coffee. Thirty minutes to…

  • What makes a better breakfast?

    What makes a better breakfast? What’s for breakfast? The first meal of the day and the most important meal of the day! This is when all the best things are on the table, so to speak. There are eggs, scrambled not fried, sausage and bacon. And for the health conscious – sausage or bacon. Chocolate…

  • Site updates and adjustments

    Site updates and adjustments Welcome back to the frog journal. This site is a work in progress. There is a method to the madness. It is possible to subscribe to the site now. The site is still usable without subscribing. However there is additional content for subscribers. Not only is there additional content for subscribers…

  • Health and wellness, and why it’s boring

    Health and wellness, and why it’s boring Is health and wellness boring? Does this question have an obvious answer? It is reasonable to consider the question. The word exercise doesn’t really call to mind, great adventure. But it could. Not only does that make exercise boring but also uninteresting. Thinking about exercise, health and wellness,…

  • Fun exercise routines for beginners

    Fun exercise routines for beginners Fun exercise routines are a myth! There can be no way that exercise is fun! Or can it? I’m almost certain everyone knows the answer to that question. No agreement? Exercise isn’t boring! Not only isn’t it boring, but it is also essential! It is also possible to include it…

  • Interactive health and wellness

    Interactive health and wellness This is another post about health and wellness. Nothing drastic like a call to action, or a new isometric exercise. However, it is interactive. Once upon a time the doctor’s office was a potentially boring place to wait. Phones were still tethered to walls and TV’s were not flat by any…