Category: Spooky Stories

  • The beautiful plan in the mirror

    The beautiful plan in the mirror

    The beautiful plan in the mirror Now this is something. Lisa gazes intently at it. The box is small, but the thing in it, moves like it is from the bottom of the sea. Slow and deliberate. In fact, it looks almost like a sea star. And that is what she thought it was, at…

  • The allure of the open door

    The allure of the open door

    The allure of the open door Steven closes the door to the spare room, quietly. He locks the deadbolt and double checks to make sure. The appointment today wouldn’t take long. It was a necessary thing, or he would have cancelled it. He isn’t feeling it now. Furthermore, he is feeling frustrated to have to…

  • An old mirror and the secrets it keeps

    An old mirror and the secrets it keeps

    An old mirror and the secrets it keeps Edward is running. In fact, he is running faster than he has ever run in his life. His fear pushes him onward. Where is it? In his panicked state of mind he misses the small hidden path. He is actually several yards past it, when he sees…

  • The world lost behind the mirror

    The world lost behind the mirror

    The world lost behind the mirror Edward looks again. It’s still there. He carefully puts the mirror back in place. So far he has only looked. No more than that. He feels afraid to do anything else at the moment. It’s his family’s new house, therefore the mirror was an unexpected discovery. *** Edward moved…

  • Everywhere Pedals would go

    Everywhere Pedals would go

    Everywhere Pedals would go (Author’s note: This story originally published on 10-29-23 at 6:30 p.m. and has been updated to reflect site updates) It didn’t happen often. When it did, there was never a crowd, at first. However, the crowd was there when Pedals left. Most were in stunned silence, but a few were usually…

  • The lodestone mill’s new owner

    The lodestone mill’s new owner

    The lodestone mill’s new owner Sometimes it’s just the place. Maybe it’s old. Or perhaps it’s so dated, time actually stands still when there. Sometimes a place can just have bad vibes. The kind that reverberates throughout. This is especially true of much older, or abandoned, places. Similarly, when a place has been abandoned for…

  • A new hat for Dusty the mailman

    A new hat for Dusty the mailman

    A new hat for Dusty the mailman The snow is quiet and beautiful. It is almost nighttime, and Dusty is enjoying an early evening stroll. The falling snow has ended for the time being. Now all the newly fallen snow, begins to freeze in the sub-zero temperature of the night. Soon the wind would be…