The help on the bus ride home
The help on the bus ride home Dennis feels scared. He holds onto his sister’s hand a little tighter. He has to keep her safe. Even if he feels scared, he mustn’t show it. He doesn’t want Abby to sense his fear. Their grandmother stands beside them as they wait for the bus. It is…
Downtown at the new station
Downtown at the new station Click this link for chapter one of this story. It was a crisp November day. The winds were not blowing as strongly and the sun was finally peeking through the cloudy skies. The older gentleman looks upon the brightening day from within his well insulated home. Not for the first…
Box office mojo and the new film
Box office mojo and the new film Stellen likes his job. He works at the theater. In fact, he would work eighty hours a week, if they would let him. Furthermore, he would be happy to work seven days a week. He volunteers for overtime whenever it is available. It doesn’t matter to him if…
Real time anomaly of the pay phone – coin return
Real time anomaly of the pay phone – coin return The first thing anyone notices about a pay phone is the coin return. It is the first place anyone will stick a finger when they see one. This ritual is all about the coin. The next thing anyone sees is the handset, and whether or…
A pay phone, lost in time, rings once
A pay phone lost in time rings once The pay phone. Talk about retro bling. This one is barely there. Max stops and examines the relic from the past. He checks the coin return bin. Nothing. Next he pushes a couple of the ancient buttons on the dial pad. One of them sticks in the…
Big fish in a little pond
Big fish in a little pond Denny was circling the pond once more. He was thinking about giving up, but it was too strange to ignore. He reaches down and grabs an old tree limb that will serve as a walking stick. Now he is walking a little slower. He isn’t exactly sure what he…
The calamity at the red light
The calamity at the red light Time is relative. Of course, that’s easier said than understood, especially if one is a kid. Tim was a kid. He is with his mom and they are waiting at a red light. The intersection is filled with waiting cars. As Tim looks around, he can see an endless…