Back to the Easy Eight as luck would have it
Back to the Easy Eight as luck would have it He slides the key card through the latch slot, and listens for it to activate. There is a metallic click. That should do it. Then he radios his floor manager. The return call confirms that they are secure. Now Stan signals his security team that…
The pay phone challenge and remember when
The pay phone challenge and remember when Things change. This is one of the first lessons in life. Things change all the time. It would be nice if everything always stayed the same. Actually, it might be nicer to think about things that never change, than experience them. After all, there are all these schools…
The old Royal classic in the attic
The old Royal classic in the attic It was hot in the overstuffed attic. Brady was about to give up, but then he saw the box up against the far wall. It was old and covered in dust. Maybe this was the one. He hoped so. He didn’t want to spend the whole day up…
Ace in the Hole at the Easy Eight Casino
Ace in the hole at the Easy Eight Casino That is interesting. In fact… it is downright curious. Stan slowly walks around the oddity. It’s peculiar and weird. Yet, considering the events of the last few days, not unexpected. He is in the bar of the small restaurant, at the Easy Eight Casino. In the…
Three wishes and save the best for last
Three wishes and save the best for last It didn’t take long for him to decide. In fact, after he got over the nerves, the decision was easy. Even though nothing has happened as he expected, he was still willing to try. Therefore, it only made sense to do things this way. Dentz opens his…
A Christmas holiday and the challenge of the elf
A Christmas holiday and the challenge of the elf Around the Christmas tree is the place to be. Especially on this special day. It is almost time for Santa to begin his journey to chimneys around the world. Indeed, he will be filling Christmas stockings, and dodging rooftop satellite dishes, all the night through. With…
A pumpernickel recipe and one new neighbor
A pumpernickel recipe and one new neighbor Anna Jones is looking out her window. It’s actually been a new habit of late. In fact, she has been looking out her living room window more these days than in all the years she’s lived in this neighborhood. The crazy thing is, it’s not a bad thing.…