Category: The Ribbits

  • Hawkeye hunter, an inverse tale

    Hawkeye hunter, an inverse tale

    Hawkeye hunter, an inverse tale The first time wasn’t the last time. Which meant it hadn’t been a fluke. He scans the terrain once more, before moving to the next hunting ground. The other hunter, is circling another feeding ground. With lazy spirals and willful maneuvers, the other hunter covers every square inch of the…

  • Pen and promise, the drawing game

    Pen and promise, the drawing game

    Pen and promise, the drawing game Harrison is an artist. Not an oil painting master, with a breathtaking masterpiece in a gallery. Nor is he a new age genius with profound works of art. In fact, he is a street artist. Harrison works on his paintings, while on the street. The street is his studio.…

  • Scenes from An Empty Marble Jar

    Scenes from An Empty Marble Jar

    Scenes from An Empty Marble Jar It’s empty. The jar. It isn’t ever full, in fact it hasn’t ever been half full. It’s empty now, and that means there’s plenty of room. ***** Marty shakes the can of spray again, and this time aims it lower. There it is. The extra strength mosquito repellant, splatters…

  • The odd years of Gus and the ultra day

    The odd years of Gus and the ultra day

    The odd years of Gus and the ultra day It only needs a little bit more and everything will be okay. Gus pushes the side of it a tad bit more. There. Now it was set. After all the planning and careful set-up, it was ready. This was the best Gus could hope for, as…

  • Help from behind the dumpster

    Help from behind the dumpster

    Help from behind the dumpster Garret wasn’t afraid he would see it again. In fact, he expected to see it again. He watches as the sweeper truck continues sweeping the lot. Then he watches as it turns and leaves. That should be the last disturbance for the evening. He turns back to the others and…

  • Everything that Pedals knows

    Everything that Pedals knows

    Everything that Pedals knows Jim Stanson has left the hospital. He has no car. So he calls a cab. Then decides to wait at the convenience store across the street from the hospital. He buys a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter, and steps back outside. He has begun to shake uncontrollably. The rain is…

  • Turnstiles: Escape plan

    Turnstiles: Escape plan

    Turnstiles: Escape Plan Tommy tries the door again. It is jammed tight. He pulls with all his might. Then pushes and pulls alternately. It’s as though something has jammed it from the other side. He stands back from the door and kicks it. Then he kicks it again for good measure. He’s not leaving this…