Category: The Temperance Effect

  • Vector and the temperance effect

    Vector and the temperance effect

    Vector and the temperance effect There is no such thing as coincidence. However, if there were, it would probably be just like this. Jeremy is breaking free. Not only with his mind, but also with his person. He has been a prisoner for a long time. Not even the compulsion for understanding or vengeance, could…

  • The temperance effect – Recovery

    The temperance effect – Recovery

    The temperance effect – Recovery Jeremy carefully examines the room around him. The door is on the opposite wall. He gets up and crosses the room. There were additional locks on the door, however they were not engaged. He has the feeling, again, that there are cameras. Yet he is alone. All of these thoughts…

  • From the point of the temperance effect

    From the point of the temperance effect

    From the point of the temperance effect Jeremy stares at the ceiling, and remembers. At first, there was pain. Then, as the images cascaded through his mind, the pain abated. Part of him knows these are not his memories. At least, not all of them. There are labs, and experiments. He shudders involuntarily at the…

  • The test of temperance time

    The test of temperance time

    The test of temperance time Mary immediately jams the car into reverse. The van behind her recognizes her intention. However, it is too late, as she guns the engine and rockets backward. The impact dislodges everything in the front compartment. Mary watches the rear view mirror through the impact. The action has the desired effect,…

  • The Temperance Effect – Part Two

    The Temperance Effect – Part Two

    The Temperance Effect – Part Two Mary parks the car a block away from the building. It is early morning. No traffic is on the street. She isn’t searching for what is inside the building. With any luck she would find who she was looking for before the noon hour. However, they had been disappointed…

  • Risk of the Temperance Effect

    Risk of the Temperance Effect

    Risk of the Temperance Effect It isn’t that they are gone. In fact, the first few times a pincer activates, and then interfaces, it can be devastating. Dr. Hinkleman looks over the middle aged man laying on the gurney in front of him. It is exceedingly fortunate they were able to track, and then intercept…

  • Side effect of the temperance effect

    Side effect of the temperance effect

    Side effect of the temperance effect Every subject of the pincer is remedied. Each time the event is pushed, the subject loses more original memory. After extensive use, they are empty. Unfortunately, no subject ever makes it beyond that point. The wear on the mind, not to mention the brain, is extreme. Long ago they…