Editor Page

Editor page

Welcome to the editor page. This page will be a guide to the stories on the site. Each story that has more than three chapters will have its own category. The categories are located in the drop down menu of the site. Additionally there are stories that are available to subscribers only. This page will have information on current stories that are being created, completed stories, and subscriber stories. This page will add insight as to which stories are being actively expanded and which stories are at an end.

Current Stories

  • The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart
  • The Temperance Effect (!)
  • The Landing Zone
  • Butterbeans -contiues
  • Health and Wellness -new content with guest authors and more
  • Special requests are welcome, please use any comment box and leave an e-mail address
  • Stay tuned
  • 09/01/24

Dynamic update: 9-01-24

Changes in the structure of the site are happening soon. Ease of navigation, and a smoother user experience are the goal. The current story line will still be found in the blog. Member only content will no longer be visible in excerpt form. Stay tuned and thanks for reading.

Editor Page

The categories in the drop down menu are a great place to find the newest content if it isn’t visible on the story list of the homepage of the site. Subscriber content is added daily, and some eBooks are included with the subscriber membership. Don’t forget to check out the eBook shorts section in the drop down menu. New additions are coming soon.

The newsletter is free. New e-book shorts available soon check out the menu selection e-book shorts for updates and subscribe for updates directly to your inbox. Thanks for reading..

Additional info

The Landing Zone

New story series.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

This series may become an e-book short. The story has reached a point where it should be revealed in a start to finish way.

Health and Wellness

New content on the way


More Butterbeans coming soon. All current stories of Butterbeans are located in the categories menu.10-10-23 Butterbeans is continuing as a story for non subscribers and subscribers. Butterbeans will also be converted to an e-book that will be offered at a discounted price for whole sections of the story. In other words the earliest versions of the story will be put together in one volume for download. When this happens previous chapters of Butterbeans will be available in a larger collection. It will remain a non subscriber story line.

More info disclaimers and other junk

The stories continuing soon, will pick up where they left off. With this in mind, most site information updates will be here on this page so check back often. Furthermore all stories, except where otherwise noted, are fiction stories. Any similarity to anything real is a coincidence. With this in mind, stories are shared to social media as they become available. Also subscribing to the newsletter is another great way to stay up to date on updates and new content. The ebooks are complete stories and are available after purchase. Purchasing an ebook on the frogjournal.com does not automatically create a membership. That is a separate process. More updates will be provided as they are ready. Thank you for visiting the site and thanks for reading today. Come back often for more updates.

Update Section

Editor Page

The Odd Category

This category is for subscribers only. It has stand alone stories and continuing stories. A standalone story is my version of a short story.

The Ribbits Category

This category is for all visitors. There are continued stories and standalone stories. There is a lot of content in this category.

Update 7-27-24

The ribbits category will contain new standalone stories as they are created. Additionally the ribbits category will contain previously unpublished stories.

Stories continuing soon

  • The Pawn Ticket – Subscriber only
  • The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart check
  • The Freeze Effect (frozen for now)
  • Health and Wellness
  • The Temperance Effect check
  • Butterbeans check
  • 07/27/24

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