Hopscotch When Was the Last Time?
Hopscotch, one of the best free games ever invented. Sidewalks, driveways or parking lots are the playing fields, and game setup takes mere minutes and only requires a rock.
This is old school hopscotch. Only a rock is needed to draw the grid and play the game. It must be the right rock, however.
Sometimes it takes a little time to find the rock that will draw as well as toss, but it’s always there, somewhere. Half the fun, is in finding that particular rock.
Now draw some lines and number the squares, then the game can be played. The rules are simple, only one foot touches the ground, while in the grid.
Or perhaps this is a custom game where it’s one foot in every square, until out of the grid. With the rock, by the way, don’t forget the rock when hopping.
Did you know that hopping on one foot burns calories? Apparently, and I don’t know how many, but google does. This isn’t about exercise, even though it is exercise, to hop on one foot.
This is about a fun game that is easy to play. And the house rules.
Custom Hopscotch Rules
Got rules? This is the best time to throw them out the window! Hopscotch can be played with custom rules, or the regular rules.
The point is playing the game.
If extra rules, or different rules suit the game better, go ahead and make them weird. Why not? The weirder the game, the more challenging it can be.
And more challenging means more calories burned! Exact calories burned, is relative to how challenging the weird rules make the game. If a regular game of Hopscotch burns calories, then the more challenging version, should burn a few more.
That is deductive reasoning, not firm facts. Moving is exercise, ouch, there’s that word again. Hopscotch is a game of movement, and it’s inexpensive to play.
So, how about it? Hopscotch, when was the last time?
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