Men’s Health Basic Start

Men’s Health Basic Start

Time to talk about that stuff. 😳 Yes, that stuff, the stuff no guy likes to talk about. I’m a guy, so I understand the stuff, no guy wants to talk about.

I also have my reasons, just like most guys, and that’s why some open dialogue could be useful.

That being said, why do guys have such a hard time talking about their health, with regard to their bodies? Are we trying to be macho? Or are we trying to play, the ignore it, and it goes away game?

Macho, now there’s a word from the past. Guys are tough, and most of us are impervious to anything. Why not avoid the doctor? Those docs are like the stock market, full of bad news.

Besides, the strange thing that just popped up, will probably go away. With enough time.

These are arguments us guys use in our minds, to avoid the doc. Also, to avoid even talking about it.

That’s where the macho can be dangerous. Some health problems can go from bad to nuclear in a flash. Talking about things with family or friends is important to health, as well as the spirit.

The Basic Example

I have several examples, but one should suffice to get the ball rolling.

A few years ago I sustained an eye injury. I was unaware of how severe it was at the time. Having spent many years in construction and enduring previous eye injuries, I thought I could wait and see if it healed itself. 🤔🤨

The waiting made matters much worse. By the time I had no other choice, but to go see the doc, it required hospitalization. I squeaked through, and my eye was saved, barely. With the care of a doctor.

The lasting damage, is a trophy for waiting too long, to go see the doc.

There are other problems that men face, and are sometimes difficult to talk about. We hope to change that as we move forward on this site.

Upcoming articles will be authored by guests from professions that deal with men’s health. With open dialogue there is a chance to help, and that is the idea.

It should feel natural for a guy to talk about health issues, and get healthy insights, on the same. We hope to bring that, and more, stay tuned.

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