Movie Theaters and Tumbleweeds

Movie Theaters and Tumbleweeds

This article was originally published a couple of months after the frog journal was launched. It has heavy references to the pandemic because a lot changed during the pandemic. As well as afterwards. Furthermore it is updated, and is a thought on how quickly things can change. Even when it’s over the course of time.

They are not as plentiful as they once were. They are relics from the not too distant past. This could be any number of things, including tumbleweeds, but it isn’t tumbleweeds.

It’s all about movie theaters. Or the vanishing movie theater, is a more accurate description.

Movie Theaters

As for myself, it’s been a period of years, since the last time an evening included a movie theater. I remember thinking three months of Netflix could be paid for, with the same money the one movie was going to cost.

Shortly thereafter a pandemic became the new normal. And stay at home mandates changed lots of things during those days. And that three months of paid Netflix did come in handy. Very handy. There were probably tumbleweeds somewhere during the pandemic, as well.

Not only tumbleweeds but also old wagons and a dusty trail. The saloons were all closed. Every single one.

Movie Theaters and Tumbleweeds


Many places shut down during the pandemic, some never to reopen. And while true, the box office in general, was struggling before the pandemic, it’s still sad to see the closure and withdrawal of such a nostalgic, entertainment venue. Cue the tumbleweeds, in the breeze.

At least there are other options for entertainment, and technology is, ever so quickly, bringing the movie theater home to the living room. It sometimes seems as though the only way to enjoy a cinema experience anymore, is to watch one on Netflix.

Cue the tumbleweeds in the breeze.

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