Mr. Werlington’s flea circus Part 3
Mr. Werlington looks up from the circus with dreamy eyes. The new visitor is persistent, and vigorously pounds the door again! He briefly recalls the days leading up to his departure from the colony. There had been many visitors, with urgent news and important requests.
As he reaches the door the impatient visitor bangs again! This time Mr. Werlington feels a rush of impatience himself but manages to calmly open the door. Then he looks over his impatient visitor, and waits for an interaction.
The rain is falling and there is only a small overhang on the porch. However, the person standing in the rain doesn’t seem to notice. He stares intently at Mr. Werlington, and begins speaking without any formal greeting. “Sir, you must vacate this property and leave by the court ordered date!’
The Visitor
He glares at Mr. Werlington, with a withering stare. After a few moments, the agitated visitor begins nervously searching through a sheaf of papers attached to his clipboard.
Mr. Werlington stares politely. He is still wondering how Halister’s flower came to be on the table. Furthermore, it had always been a matter of him seeing the flea circus, not the other way around. No one in the flea circus knew of Mr. Werlington or his interest in their daily affairs.
“Sir I don’t think you understand the gravity of your situation! You have two days to vacate this property by order of the court, you must comply.” The impatient visitor seems to want a response from Mr. Werlington.
He looks over the impatient and less than pleasant visitor. This was unprecedented! The colony had settled the issue of this land and its dwellings, years ago. Furthermore, zoning ordinances and legal maneuvering notwithstanding, the colony didn’t need to remain on the surface of this world at all.
Mr. Werlington looks over the agitated visitor once more. Certainly this was a distraction. The circus was in full show mode now, all three rings active. Deciding not to waste anymore time he replies to the visitor before firmly closing the door.
Flea Circus
“That is fine, we will see you in two days, good bye!” then he closes the door, and turns back to the table where Halister’s flower is laying. He was intrigued and needed answers. [continue reading the story]