Pocket wilderness conflict
The council was stymied. No decision had been reached in days, and it looked like today wasn’t going to be any different.
Wally the weasel was upset and Sam the sloth was visibly rattled. The entire bunny community had walked out in protest. The squirrels had begun tossing nuts on the whole gathering, and that’s when the council had closed the meeting.
Dan the duck was remembering all the chaos that had ensued after the squirrels started the nut throwing. It was unthinkable for such cacaphony to happen in a council meeting. It was definitely a sign of the times.
Pocket Wilderness
Dan waddles along thinking of what he will tell Anna his mate. They had both been hoping for a decision today, it wouldn’t be long before the little ones were ready to hatch, time was short! In fact, that is why Anna had stayed at the nest.

Dan thinks of the council and the strange new leader. Nothing had been quite right since that Parrot had taken charge. Or was ‘elected’ as is constantly touted.
Nonetheless, things were urgent and a pocket widerness conflict, was not needed.
Dan has made it to the pond in the middle of the pocket wilderness. He cautiously checks the water for any signs of disturbance. Anna, and their nest, are on the other side.
Today Dan decides to take the long way home, and begins waddling around the pond. He is thinking of what he will say to his Anna about the delayed council decision. Moreover, he cannot bear to think of her disappointment.
He thinks back to when Roy the rowdy rhino, the leader before the Parrot, was in charge. Now there was a nut. However, that rowdy rhino got things done. Furthermore, there had been no council fights over security.
There had been plenty of fights, but things got done nonetheless. Furthermore, the alligators would never dare enter the pond in those days! ‘Ole rowdy Roy might rain all sorts of pocket wilderness doom on them.
Dan the duck arrives at the thickett, where he and Anna have their nest hidden. He checks back the way he came, for a tail. He just couldn’t be too careful these days, they had hatchlings on the way.
Alligator Intel
Alligator Intel sent to Alligator HQ:
*Pocket wilderness defenses down*…*council divided*…*subterfuge successful*…*dinner is served*
Amorphous the alligator finishes the report to alligator HQ and returns his focus to the duck. This one could be trouble.