Pocket Wilderness Conflict Meltdown
It’s happening again, and there’s no better way to get in front of it, than run! Dan the duck waddles even faster! He knows when he reaches the water, he will go even faster, so he waddles quickly.
In fact, he is not alone, many of the inhabitants of the pocket wilderness are fleeing the disastrous rain! It is the end of the pocket wilderness, after all!
Dan quacks a frustrated quack, as he launches into the water. Once he is in the water, everything settles down, and it’s just the falling rain, of doom. He watches the squirrels, as he swims to the other side, they are throwing nuts again!
Dan shakes his head in dismay. That was the worst council meeting that had ever taken place in the pocket wilderness. It had come undone just minutes after forming. The parrot had riled everyone up, with all the talk of doom, and no hope.
Doom indeed! It was a thunderstorm, not doom. Furthermore, Dan was still bristling over the insinuations of supposed foul play. It was impossible to understand why no one else could see the efforts to destabilize the pocket wilderness.
Dan and Anna, his lovely mate, had spent all night discussing the events from the last council community meeting. They had decided together, that something must be done, and quickly! The hatchlings would be along soon, time was short.
Anna had asked Dan if they should think about leaving the pocket wilderness, for another land that was safer. Dan had answered, all would be well and no more worry was needed. Now, as he swims his way back to the nest, he isn’t so sure of his reassurances.
The rain intensifies and the thunder booms as Dan paddles across the pond. He is so intent on what just happened at the council meeting, that he completely misses why the squirrels are throwing those nuts.
wilderness conflict
The pond water is dark and concealing. It is an excellent cover for a trap, and the duck suspects nothing. This was going better than planned, thinks the hidden Amorphous.
He watches the duck swim along the surface of the pond. It is trying to reach the other side, however, there is about to be a change of plans.
Amorphous the alligator grins, and eases through the depths of the water, moving silently toward the unsuspecting duck. This will be a tasty snack. Ridding the pocket wilderness of a possible problem duck, was just a bonus.
Amorphous the alligator moves to within inches of the unsuspecting duck. Carefully getting closer for the attack. This was too easy, the pocket wilderness would soon be finished.
Previous story link – Pocket Wilderness Conflict