Race to the escape – Butterbeans the brave

Race to the escape - Butterbeans the brave

Race to the escape – Butterbeans the brave

Alex breathes a sigh of relief to hear the team is okay. Even with the distance of the fall, he knew there was trouble on the upper levels. He feels slightly overwhelmed that this standard mission has become search and rescue. Butterbeans looks at Alex closely, then trots off to explore, while they are safe.

Furthermore, he feels stunned that command has sent in back-up. What the hell were they up against? He is certain what is happening in these passages is not coincidence. In fact, Butterbeans didn’t believe in coincidence and neither did Alex.

Race to the escape; Butterbeans the brave

With this in mind he replays the events of the last couple of hours. How was it possible command hadn’t known about this? What if they had known?

It wouldn’t change their current circumstances. They have been separated from their team. To make matters more extreme, they were fleeing something large and in charge. Indeed, they had just been in the thing’s nest, Alex is sure of it.

Butterbeans returns from her exploration of the small alcove. Now, Alex can feel tremors through the floor where he stands. In fact, this entire underground system was precariously existent. It was in no way natural. Alex can sense this more, as he looks for their best way out.

Race to the escape - Butterbeans the brave

Whatever they have come up against isn’t familiar. Alex has never heard of anything that can vaporize rock, and earth, at will. With this in mind, he thinks it unlikely anyone in command would have known about this. Butterbeans yips at him lightly, and turns impatiently. She expects Alex to follow.

There is a small opening in the back of the alcove. Furthermore, it is large enough for Alex to fit through. Butterbeans flashes through quickly and turns to yip at Alex again. Alex smiles at his brave friend, and squeezes through.

Race to the escape

The other side opens into a wide ledge that leads upward. Indeed it carries on into a bright fluorescent glow that thrills Alex. They are moving back toward level 113. He feels confident they can rejoin the team there. Butterbeans is already well on the way to the human made levels above them.

However, Alex wastes no time in getting up the precarious ledge. And consequently reaches the top within minutes. Butterbeans stands at the edge of the perforated hallway of level 113, eyeing something beyond Alex.

There is a flash of amber and Butterbeans barks once. Loud. Alex halts and turns. Everywhere he looks there is that eerie amber glow. Furthermore the underground cavern is expanding. The sight is awe inspiring and terrifying. Alex feels a sense of panic as he sees the magnitude of the cavern’s growing size. It would reach them soon.

Butterbeans the Brave

Alex turns and carries on to the top of the ledge. They needed to get to the elevator system. Fast. Now Butterbeans is barking furiously, however Alex isn’t slowing. The situation is deteriorating quickly. They need to leave. As he reaches level 113 he trips and sprawls across the floor.

Something has his ankle wrapped up tight. Consequently he struggles to free himself, turning to see what has him. It is the thing from the tunnel. Clearly they are not out of the woods yet.

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