Rambleforth’s Revenge

Rambleforth’s Revenge

Rambleforth wasn’t going down without a nice payout to cushion his early retirement. He looks at the door to the repository, and looks back at his termination paper. This was going to take some finnese and clever thinking.

The repository is the biggest chamber in the lost and found crew’s, enterprise. In fact, it’s so large there’s a troll that lives in there, but no one’s ever seen it. Rambleforth decides to give Stuffinbob a little time to cool down, and heads over to the crew quarters. He has a backup pipe in his closet, and it’s definitely time for a smoke.

On the way he passes several young bandits high tailing it over to the repository with new found things. One even has a set of keys! They were getting younger and younger Rambleforth thinks, better watch for trucks! Or not, and this is when he gets a novel idea.

Finders Keepers

The portal room is extra busy today as Rambleforth enters the door. There is much activity around the portal, as bandits pop out, and then pop back in with new found things. This is great for his plan.

Then a bandit returns with a pop! This bandit has found a large cardboard box, and it looks heavy and awkward. Rambleforth grins, this is what he was waiting for. The new hire bandit stumbles and nearly trips with the heavy box, but steadies it and moves toward the door.

Rambleforth gets to the door at the same time and collides with the new hire bandit. Likewise, the collision knocks the box into the air and both bandits hit the floor.

“Can’t you young bandits watch where you’re agoin?” Rambleforth growls, ” This is getting ridiculous!”

The new hire bandit mumbles a hasty apology and grabs the cardboard box from the floor. He trots off to the repository, while Rambleforth pockets his new hire portal card. Then he heads to his room for a smoke.

New Digs

The idea Rambleforth has, is a good one, and all he needed was an extra portal card. He pulls in another drag on his pipe, and puffs out a few smoke rings, while he studies his plan. Only the oldest bandits know how to hotwire the portal.

He bristles at the thought of the bandit resources letter and pulls in another long drag off the pipe. All he needs is a few minutes in the repository, and it was under Stuffinbob’s watchful gaze. Portaling in would be quick, and Rambleforth would be back out before anyone was the wiser.

He pockets his pipe and gets to the portal room. He moves quickly to the edge of the portal zone, and waits for the buzzer to sound. Then it does, and he leaps and arrives in the repository. No where near Stuffinbob.

In fact, he’s so far into the repository, that he landed on a troll. A really large, and apparently, bad tempered one.

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The Lost and Found Crew – Early Retirement

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