Disconnected and knowing of rue
Not a part of it with naught to do
Once innocent and whole, as if new
Relinquish, with the feeling of blue
A dream and yearning greatly thriving
Suddenly changed at pain arriving
Lost, losing and not far from spent
And so relinquish, the faith lent
Lone is standing and silent awaits
A familiar set that never hesitates
Once found not easily lost,
And always at great cost
Relinquish, and time is no more
Relinquish, as was done before
Relinquish, relent, refrain,
Or touch, relinquishing the pain
Then in time, and slow at first,
Grew love that quenched all thirst
Cold and desolate, could not survive
What the magic of love made thrive
Now relinquish all doubt and believe
Relinquish fear, knowing it is freed
It is always possible for love to be,
A beautiful wonder for sharing generously
This is a poem for the idea that things can turn around, and that sometimes just because there are clouds, doesn’t mean no sunshine will ever shine again.