Stargazing and Daydreams a Comparison on Similarity

Stargazing and Daydreams a Comparison on Similarity

I took a few minutes the other night and looked up. It had been a while since the last time I had taken a celestial view. It was heavenly. The stars have always been beautiful, and there.

After that moment of relaxation and reflection, I returned to the cares of this planet, with a better sense of perspective.

It took only a few minutes to do all that stargazing and it was a few minutes well spent.


Earlier today I had a few minutes while waiting. Seemed like a good time for a daydream. I imagined a glorious freshly baked pizza. Piping hot and loaded with toppings! It was perfect, stuffed crust, around and under everything else!

Everything continued around me, no worries there. After those few minutes passed, my pizza was ready, and it was time to live the dream!

Yes, it was delicious, and the anticipation was sweet. All the imagination work sure did conjure up an appetite! But that is rare, to have a daydream come true, so quickly after the dream.

Both experiences were a nice break from the norm. They were also free of charge. And nothing had to be scheduled. All it took was imagination and spare time.

Stargazing and Daydreams a Comparison on Similarity

The imagination and spare time were readily available. The spare time part, is a matter of prioritization. I didn’t have the spare time, to look up, until I prioritized it.

From there it was enjoyment. Brief, but realized, nonetheless. That’s when it seemed as though there was a connection between these two events. One at night, one in the day. One near, one far away.

Stargazing and daydreams a comparison on similarity, is a natural idea. An imagination journey to a relaxing destination for a break from the norm. The bonus, is a peaceful, and stress free, state of mind.

Simply Poetic Mercantile by Alfa


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