Tag: butterbeans

  • Butterbeans: Partners in Time

    Butterbeans: Partners in Time

    Butterbeans: Partners in Time The darkness is absolute. He races into it with reckless abandon. Alex is determined to find Butterbeans. There is silence again, and the floor has ceased shaking. Alex’s foot connects with something in the darkness, and he nearly falls. He hears the object connect with the wall. Stooping, he uses his…

  • Butterbeans and hidden truths

    Butterbeans and hidden truths Half way down the dark hallway and shots ring out. Confused and disoriented, he moves forward seeking Butterbeans. He couldn’t understand what was happening. It wasn’t beyond his training. It just made no sense. He moves forward in a dark hallway. The silence is deep, and permeating. It is disturbing after…

  • Butterbeans the classified, a new way home

    Butterbeans the classified, a new way home Level 113 was new and experimental. It was about top secret intel and experiments. Only personnel with top clearances were allowed at this level. Butterbeans is far ahead and Alex can no longer hear her clicking paws against the concrete floor. Since level 113 was such a new…

  • Butterbeans party of one

    Butterbeans party of one The lights go out and the party starts. The elevator doors are opening and Butterbeans is on the move. Alex has only seconds before the doors are fully open. In this time, he gets ready, his eyes already adjusting to the darkness. He hears Butterbeans running pell mell from the elevator…