Tag: butterbeans

  • The encountered odds with Butterbeans

    The encountered odds with Butterbeans

    The encountered odds with Butterbeans Emily Kate was regaining her colt’s trust. The excited and playful colt would run each time Emily approached. After a while Emily was able to get within a few feet. Then, it was a matter of some fancy apple slices, and the jig was up. She moves them back toward…

  • The saddle room with Butterbeans

    The saddle room with Butterbeans

    The saddle room with Butterbeans Emily Kate Rodgers is in a fix. This isn’t the first time the colt has jumped the fence. In fact, it isn’t the tenth time either. She unbolts the gate, and swings it wide. Then she gets back on the ATV and passes through the opening. Deciding to leave the…

  • A treasure hunt plan with Butterbeans

    A treasure hunt plan with Butterbeans

    A treasure hunt plan with Butterbeans Alex feels stunned, and softly calls to Butterbeans. She is still barking at them furiously, and her fur is standing up. However, Alex thinks he understands why Butterbeans is so upset. He helps Jared around, and they reverse course away from the dead end of the underground area. Butterbeans…

  • Ghost town quest with Butterbeans

    Ghost town quest with Butterbeans

    Ghost town quest with Butterbeans Alex springs into action. He quickly assesses the situation as they tumble downward. The old worn floor of the saloon parlor, deteriorated badly, long ago. It had given way at the exact moment he stood up. Alex lands on the floor below with a thud. As he lands he looks…

  • A ghost of a chance with Butterbeans

    A ghost of a chance with Butterbeans

    A ghost of a chance with Butterbeans It didn’t take long to get to the edge of the box canyon. Butterbeans was there first, ahead of Alex. They were nearing the outskirts of the old ghost town. It was a relic from a distant past and only a few standing buildings remained. As they approach…

  • Old tales and backtrails with Butterbeans

    Old tales and backtrails with Butterbeans

    Old tales and backtrails with Butterbeans Their first night in the cabin was a quiet one. The deep stillness of the woods made sleeping very easy. After a quick morning breakfast, Alex and Butterbeans set off on a noon day hike. Alex wants to get familiar with their surroundings. With this in mind, he decides…

  • The Bar K ranch with Butterbeans

    The Bar K ranch with  Butterbeans

    The Bar K ranch with Butterbeans The butterflies are in the middle of the room. Furthermore, it was unexpected to see them there. Butterbeans gives the slightest yip as they enter the cabin. Alex stares at the butterfly display curiously. Furthermore, he is surprised at the reaction he sees in Butterbeans. Though they have just…