The best evasive article about health and wellness
The best evasive article about health and wellness Is it possible to be medically evasive? That is evasive not invasive. It is also possible someone is being discreet. Or private, with medical details. What if someone is uncertain about how to talk about things involving medical details. Medical details are personal and usually private. Additionally,…
Chicken tails and why we can’t eat them
Chicken tails and why we can’t eat them It tastes like chicken! It’s good, and why can’t we eat the tail? It was an important dinner discussion. About shrimp. However, we hadn’t given it a name yet. Dinner had just arrived and we were digging in. The chicken was there beside the shrimp, so it…
Butterbeans and the eye of the storm
Butterbeans and the eye of the storm Most of the building had fallen flat. The Sergeant begins immediately searching for the Lieutenant and Alex. Butterbeans sniffs and paws furiously in the debris. The din of the fallen building had been extreme. The eerie absence of noise was like a tomb. And the Sergeant and Butterbeans…
Between the lines of the closest star
Between the lines of the closest star The air is acrid with smoke, as he regains consciousness. Daniel is laying on the ground. Not concrete, it is somewhere softer. More woodsy from the smell of it. He opens his eyes and takes a small look around. He is laying on the ground in some woods.…
Surface tension with Butterbeans
Surface tension with Butterbeans The chaotic noise from below intensifies. The elevator rises quickly and shakes violently from the pursuit of the unknown entity. Alex holds Butterbeans closely as the lift ascends. The Lieutenant is shouting into a communication device as they rocket upwards. It sounds as though there are gathering forces above them. Their…
By the light of the closest star
By the light of the closest star The stars are beautiful. Daniel watches them and wonders which one is his. He also wonders what it must be like there. It was summertime here. Based on the revelations he learned this morning, this is a fraction of what his real home has for a summer. He…
Butterbeans and vanishing returns
Butterbeans and vanishing returns Alex can see his friend pressed tightly against the cliff face. Butterbeans is looking back at him, as the strange creature begins its return from below. From his vantage point Alex sees everything unfolding in slow motion. The Sergeant kneels beside Alex and offers him a harness for climbing. Alex wastes…