Tag: coffee

  • Butterbeans and the amber underground

    Butterbeans and the amber underground

    Butterbeans and the amber underground The goodness of anything can be measured by time. Indeed, some things are only good after time has passed. It can even be said that time heals all wounds. In fact, it had been said. Alex wonders how much time has passed as they wait in silence. Butterbeans with ears…

  • The Timberland event, amber awakening

    The Timberland event, amber awakening

    The Timberland event, amber awakening It had been a very long time. Ideally it would have been possible years ago. Special agent Thomas checks the communications again, still nothing. All the teams had stopped responding as of an hour ago. Special agent Thomas checks his watch. He does this from habit, not from a need…

  • Across the universe and then

    Across the universe and then

    Across the universe and then Most nights it isn’t this dark. Sometimes there are stars, but tonight the dark is like a blanket and it’s covering everything. He doesn’t mind, it’s comforting, and its stillness is thorough. These things would happen in any universe, why not this one? He shifts positions in the chair and…

  • What is a calorie and how do they get burned?

    What is a calorie and how do they get burned?

    What is a calorie and how do they get burned? In the course of a series of questions, we came across a discovery of calories. This happened in the afternoon as we were enjoying a bike and scooter ride, in the sunshine. It had been a couple of hours and our energy reserves were feeling…

  • Butterbeans and distant sounds of home

    Butterbeans and distant sounds of home

    Butterbeans and distant sounds of home Since her days as a pup, Butterbeans has been an explorer. In fact the first game she had learned with Alex had been hide and seek. It was still her favorite. When they had begun actively serving on their special ops team, their work had seemed second nature. With…

  • A stitch in time isn’t amber nine

    A stitch in time isn’t amber nine

    A stitch in time isn’t amber nine Jack blinks a few times to clear his vision. This isn’t normal. That is the thought that keeps his mind swirling. No matter how he tries to get his mind around it the result is the same. Disbelief. Furthermore, this isn’t the first time today that he has…

  • What do vitamins taste like?

    What do vitamins taste like?

    What do vitamins taste like? It was a good afternoon. It was a sunny day, with lots of adventure and energetic exercise. (Scooters and bikes) The afternoon was perfect for outdoor activity. Of course we developed an appetite and eventually came in for a snack. There were a few healthy options for our snack, which…