Tag: coffee

  • Apples and oranges, do they actually compare?

    Apples and oranges, do they actually compare?

    Apples and oranges, do they actually compare? In this crazy busy world there are always options. Well, almost always. However, when there are options it’s a good thing. Or at least, it is usually a good thing. Take apples and oranges, for example. That is an option from the start. Apples are not the same…

  • Three wishes and save the best for last

    Three wishes and save the best for last

    Three wishes and save the best for last It didn’t take long for him to decide. In fact, after he got over the nerves, the decision was easy. Even though nothing has happened as he expected, he was still willing to try. Therefore, it only made sense to do things this way. Dentz opens his…

  • The new pup recovery – Butterbeans in the early years

    The new pup recovery – Butterbeans in the early years

    The new pup recovery – Butterbeans in the early years In most situations, this training would have been skipped. In this situation he is glad they did not. He checks the tracking device. Butterbeans is just ahead. By Alex’s estimate, she is almost 100 meters in front of him. Therefore he isn’t worried about losing…

  • Drones in the sky and the need to know

    Drones in the sky and the need to know

    Drones in the sky and the need to know It’s a classic situation. Straight out of the movies. Drones are flying. More and more over the last few weeks, there are reports of drones in the sky. They are mysterious, and other than being visible, almost no one knows anything about their origin. Much less…

  • The new trail’s end with Butterbeans

    The new trail’s end with Butterbeans

    The new trail’s end with Butterbeans Alex watches them wheel Butterbeans into the O.R. He turns and starts walking to the exit. Air. Right now he needed air. Everything was too dark. Too close. He just needed some space, wide open space, and air. It was never supposed to be this way. This should have…

  • A new hat for Dusty the mailman

    A new hat for Dusty the mailman

    A new hat for Dusty the mailman The snow is quiet and beautiful. It is almost nighttime, and Dusty is enjoying an early evening stroll. The falling snow has ended for the time being. Now all the newly fallen snow, begins to freeze in the sub-zero temperature of the night. Soon the wind would be…

  • The gentle good will of the auctioneer

    The gentle good will of the auctioneer

    The gentle good will of the auctioneer It was fifty years ago. The mid seventies. Some of the things we take for granted in today’s world, were only dreams in those days. There were cartoons on the television. At certain times. They were only on, certain channels. One of three, to be exact. The cartoons…