The health and wellness test
The health and wellness test Health and wellness is a worthy pursuit. The earlier one starts the pursuit of health and wellness, the better. One of the biggest draws to being healthy is all the health. That almost sounds easy, maybe it is. One thing is certain, health and wellness isn’t always easy. It’s not…
The shareable craft
The shareable craft Breakfast is good. It’s even better first thing in the morning! This is the consensus as we begin our work in the mines. It’s possible to enjoy breakfast, and work in the mines, at the same time. We actually do it all the time! While it is true that this morning’s breakfast…
Are mermaids real?
Are mermaids real? That may sound like an unusual question. I think it’s a fair question. Mermaids are synonymous with the sea. Dolphins are also synonymous with the sea. However past experiences tell us that we will see dolphins more often than mermaids. Of course this is all one guy’s opinion. However it was a…
Get me another scary video please
Get me another scary video please Just a short time ago we were worried about the last number. Not only did we discover it wasn’t countable at this time, but also it might be a while. Since then, lots of things have changed. For one thing we are older now. At age 6 the world…
Exercise of games with strange names
Exercise of games with strange names So far the topics of exercise in this blog have been soft topics. Easy movements, and low impact movements, as long as there is movement! The playground is the place to be. Furthermore, the benefits of movement and activity, are many. The importance of activity and movement, to the…
Famous and infamous quotes (#5)
Famous and infamous quotes (#5) Famous and infamous quotes are a mixture of modern and historic quotes. They are readily available on the internet. However it is also possible to find a few on this site. The following quote is powerful and inspiring. It is included here in the hopes that it will continue to…