Tag: coffee

  • The new trail’s end with Butterbeans

    The new trail’s end with Butterbeans

    The new trail’s end with Butterbeans Alex watches them wheel Butterbeans into the O.R. He turns and starts walking to the exit. Air. Right now he needed air. Everything was too dark. Too close. He just needed some space, wide open space, and air. It was never supposed to be this way. This should have…

  • A new hat for Dusty the mailman

    A new hat for Dusty the mailman

    A new hat for Dusty the mailman The snow is quiet and beautiful. It is almost nighttime, and Dusty is enjoying an early evening stroll. The falling snow has ended for the time being. Now all the newly fallen snow, begins to freeze in the sub-zero temperature of the night. Soon the wind would be…

  • The gentle good will of the auctioneer

    The gentle good will of the auctioneer

    The gentle good will of the auctioneer It was fifty years ago. The mid seventies. Some of the things we take for granted in today’s world, were only dreams in those days. There were cartoons on the television. At certain times. They were only on, certain channels. One of three, to be exact. The cartoons…

  • The holiday travel professional pulls out all the stops

    The holiday travel professional pulls out all the stops

    The holiday travel professional pulls out all the stops The way ahead was nearly invisible in the foggy night. Chris holds the reins steady. The sleigh is full to the max. Furthermore, it’s the very middle of the night. It’s going to take every shortcut he knows, to make it on time. However, none of…

  • Story index with easy look up

    Story index with easy look up

    Story index with easy look up Some stories on this site have more than a few chapters. Additionally there are other stories that continue in another category. With this in mind, a little organization might help. There is an editor page for this site. Furthermore, it is not behind a paywall. However, it will not…

  • Double barrel – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

    Double barrel – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

    Double barrel – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart She cried. Then, the tears came. Her wounded heart opened and she wept bitterly. Somewhere along the way, the sun appeared. However, there was no joy in her heart as she lay, spent and hollow. Double barrel The previous day, everything was normal. Real. Life was still…

  • The freeze effect at seven in the morning

    The freeze effect at seven in the morning

    The freeze effect at seven in the morning It was later that morning. All the effects of the freeze blast have worn off by this time. Will finishes scraping up the last of the residue from the freeze venom. It’s impossible to leave it laying anywhere because of the horrid smell. Furthermore, the blast had…