Tag: coffee

  • The simple part of the in-between

    The simple part of the in-between

    The simple part of the in-between The question isn’t if they were there. That would be a wasted question. They are there. Actually the question is, will they remain? Gilbert isn’t trying to reassure himself, that he isn’t crazy. He has enough experience, and is sharp enough to know, crazy is not the town he…

  • Mittens isn’t the sinister one

    Mittens isn’t the sinister one

    Mittens isn’t the sinister one The milk is warm, but not too warm. This is a good thing, because Mittens only likes it warm. They are serving it for everyone tonight. Of course, why wouldn’t they? It is an auspicious occasion, and every cat is feeling festive. Furthermore, it isn’t just the warm milk that…

  • A spur in the trail – Butterbeans

    A spur in the trail – Butterbeans

    A spur in the trail – Butterbeans Alex stops just short of the opening in the mine. He knows Butterbeans went this way. Furthermore, he can see her location on his screen. The tracking system they use for search missions, is very reliable. She is nearby, but far below them, from what he can see.…

  • The lost investigation at Jenson Creek

    The lost investigation at Jenson Creek

    The lost investigation at Jenson Creek (The beginning of this story can be found in this link. It is one chapter and gives the backstory for this continuation.) The day is crisp and cool. The wind is blowing in gusts, and the rain has cleared. Denny pulls the sedan into the small parking lot next…

  • The family outing with the best drive thru

    The family outing with the best drive thru

    The family outing with the best drive thru The best night of the week. It was easily the best night of the week. Firstly because the family was all together. That is the mark of any close family. All together. Secondly, because everyone was excited about the adventure of the evening. There would be shopping,…

  • The old forgotten church on Jenson creek

    The old forgotten church on Jenson creek

    The old forgotten church on Jenson creek The old church on Jenson creek is a myth inspiring old structure. Many of the strange stories were created long ago by early settlers. The church itself is real, and still standing to this day. However, there is no written history of a congregation. No minister, nor any…

  • The help on the bus ride home

    The help on the bus ride home

    The help on the bus ride home Dennis feels scared. He holds onto his sister’s hand a little tighter. He has to keep her safe. Even if he feels scared, he mustn’t show it. He doesn’t want Abby to sense his fear. Their grandmother stands beside them as they wait for the bus. It is…