Tag: fun fiction

  • The old wagon trail with Butterbeans

    The old wagon trail with Butterbeans

    The old wagon trail with Butterbeans The first thing Alex notices is the freshness of the air. They are in an underground area. In fact, he already went the length of the climbing rope a little ways back. Now he is walking along a darkened tunnel. However, the air is fresh. It isn’t stale, or…

  • The encountered odds with Butterbeans

    The encountered odds with Butterbeans

    The encountered odds with Butterbeans Emily Kate was regaining her colt’s trust. The excited and playful colt would run each time Emily approached. After a while Emily was able to get within a few feet. Then, it was a matter of some fancy apple slices, and the jig was up. She moves them back toward…

  • A celestial view of the light poppers

    A celestial view of the light poppers

    A celestial view of the light poppers Chip has his own way. He has his own way for everything. This isn’t to say that he’s unable to change. In fact, he’s very flexible. Actually, he isn’t really all that flexible. Maybe that is a reflection on his mindset. Really, he can’t be sure. Furthermore, this…

  • The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Destined

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Destined

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Destined Eric watches Emma’s expression as she reads the information in the papers. He thinks about when he first learned the startling news. He took the time to reread the papers, because he was surprised and felt subtle things clicking into place. His mind began making connections, almost immediately.…

  • The saddle room with Butterbeans

    The saddle room with Butterbeans

    The saddle room with Butterbeans Emily Kate Rodgers is in a fix. This isn’t the first time the colt has jumped the fence. In fact, it isn’t the tenth time either. She unbolts the gate, and swings it wide. Then she gets back on the ATV and passes through the opening. Deciding to leave the…

  • Clandestine – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

    Clandestine – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

    Clandestine – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart It was ten years later, When Benjamin met Jupiter Davis again. As it turns out it was a happy accident. And in the midst of another close call. However, this time, they recognized one another immediately. Even though ten years and another war had passed, their first encounter…

  • A treasure hunt plan with Butterbeans

    A treasure hunt plan with Butterbeans

    A treasure hunt plan with Butterbeans Alex feels stunned, and softly calls to Butterbeans. She is still barking at them furiously, and her fur is standing up. However, Alex thinks he understands why Butterbeans is so upset. He helps Jared around, and they reverse course away from the dead end of the underground area. Butterbeans…