Butterbeans’ two scents worth
Butterbeans’ two scents worth Butterbeans finishes her plate and cleans it carefully. She always tries to help Alex clean up. The food is base food. It is good. However, she prefers how Alex prepares her food when they are home. She moves off to get a drink and then explore. They would be leaving soon.…
Butterbeans and better returns
Butterbeans and better returns Alex looks at the group surrounding them and considers the request carefully. It seems that Butterbeans is already on board. She huffs a bark at him again. Now Alex notices Butterbeans is watching him closely. He feels a little surprised at Butterbean’s eagerness to go back underground. The special agent is…
The learning curve and Butterbeans
The learning curve and Butterbeans The trip to the main entry, took less than ten minutes. The base was immense, with much of its vast size unseen. Today Alex and Butterbeans were going to a new section of the base. Hence their apprehension. The main entrance was usual and mundane. Nothing distinguished it as an…
Back the way they came
Back the way they came It was Tuesday. Mark was happy that it was Tuesday. Mainly because he had survived Monday. He is outside after work. He sets up his phone. Now he can watch his favorites on the new streaming service they had been given. Furthermore, he’s impressed with this new version of the…
Butterbeans and the eye of the storm
Butterbeans and the eye of the storm Most of the building had fallen flat. The Sergeant begins immediately searching for the Lieutenant and Alex. Butterbeans sniffs and paws furiously in the debris. The din of the fallen building had been extreme. The eerie absence of noise was like a tomb. And the Sergeant and Butterbeans…
Between the lines of the closest star
Between the lines of the closest star The air is acrid with smoke, as he regains consciousness. Daniel is laying on the ground. Not concrete, it is somewhere softer. More woodsy from the smell of it. He opens his eyes and takes a small look around. He is laying on the ground in some woods.…