Tag: fun fiction

  • A stitch in time isn’t amber nine

    A stitch in time isn’t amber nine

    A stitch in time isn’t amber nine Jack blinks a few times to clear his vision. This isn’t normal. That is the thought that keeps his mind swirling. No matter how he tries to get his mind around it the result is the same. Disbelief. Furthermore, this isn’t the first time today that he has…

  • The sacking of Oliver 83

    The sacking of Oliver 83

    The sacking of Oliver 83 Oliver 83 didn’t make it. He went faster than he ever had before. And still, it had not been good enough. He had failed the test because he hadn’t been there to take it. His logic circuits crackle again. It is causing a feedback loop. Oliver 83 shivers. He is…

  • The amber waves of Timberland

    The amber waves of Timberland

    The amber waves of Timberland Jillian was still trying to get her head around what she had seen. It might be easier to think of it as what she no longer sees. Wendell has vanished. She had watched him vanish. It had unsettled her so much, she had stopped walking. She could still see the…

  • Wendell and the amber waves

    Wendell and the amber waves

    Wendell and the amber waves Sunset, and all is well. It had been well for a long time. Wendell wasn’t complaining. Sometimes no news is good news. He sets down the instrument and walks a few paces around the worksite. His neck had stiffened from holding it in one place for so long. However, they…

  • Oliver 83 the new beginning

    Oliver 83 the new beginning

    Oliver 83 the new beginning It’s a new log. He is not on the grid. This log is different because only he can see it. The entries are for his use. They help determine where he is, when he isn’t where he is supposed to be. He is Oliver 83. It is late in the…

  • Growth plates and growth rates

    Growth plates and growth rates

    Growth plates and growth rates Daniel limps to a motorized shopping cart and carefully sits. For all the bandaging and blood stains, there was surprisingly little pain. After quickly examining the paperwork he had been holding, he sees there are prescriptions he needs to have filled. Filled for what? His panicked mind questions why he…

  • The cobblestone bakery

    The cobblestone bakery

    The cobblestone bakery The oven is ready. The dough is pressed into the pan. And into the oven it goes. One hour later, and the smell of freshly baked bread fills the bakery. All morning the pans of dough go into the oven. By early afternoon, the whole street has the pleasant scent of freshly…