Catching a Nimbus With a Forest
Catching a Nimbus With a Forest The clouds drift by in the distance. The distance beyond the thing. Forest wills his eyes to the clouds. Purposefully avoiding looking directly at the thing. He knows it’s talking to him. He would prefer to ignore it. However, he knows there will be no avoiding this conversation. It…
One Cloudy Day
One Cloudy Day Albert is confiding in him. He feels grateful to be trusted and he is trying to pay close attention. He keeps losing track of what Albert is saying. This keeps happening. Something has changed but he can’t put his finger on it. But it’s okay now because it’s the flight attendant. She…
The Hope at the Swingset
The Hope at the Swingset Samuel stares at the words forming on the glass for the second time today. He feels chills race up his spine. It causes the hairs at the nape of his neck to stand on end. His heartbeat quickens as he reads the words in the mirror. Meet me at the…
In depth with Butterbeans
In depth with Butterbeans The tunnel is dark. However, they are not alone. Since leaving the area where the Lieutenant had been knocked unconscious, all signs of civilization had disappeared. The corridors of level 113 had given way to underground earth. Not only was this unexpected but also unlike any level they had explored before.…
Turtle Wolf and Frog the Crossing
Turtle Wolf and Frog the Crossing Julie stops in her tracks. She looks around, unsure she heard correctly. Buddy is absorbed in the remaining bites of his meal. He eats with gusto. Julie is unsure he even sees her much less that he said anything. Furthermore, it’s possible she misheard. After all it had been…
The meet at the swings
The meet at the swings Samuel stops cold. He stares, as the words draw themselves. Primal shivers race up his spine. He is watching the glass of the entry door. It is covered with a slight condensation this early morning . It has just given him a warning. Furthermore, it had done so in a…
The Stuffinbob wisdom test
The Stuffinbob wisdom test Rambleforth watches yon Apricus closely. He learned a long time ago that not everything was always how it looked. He takes his pipe and makes a mental note to use it very soon. Rambleforth believes it’s obvious how this all stacks up. However, he doesn’t think yon troll, Apricus, will kin…