Out of time – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart
Out of time – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart They have only just said goodbye, when Jupiter loses consciousness. Benjamin was watching her closely, and caught her before she reached the ground. This had been hardest on Jupiter. Benjamin thought saying goodbye to James Abner was going to be the breaking point. But Jupiter had…
The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans
The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans Caper Town started as a general store. It sat one mile from the rail line, and survived and grew, despite the isolation. Located near the rough entry of a large box canyon, it was plenty out of the way. There was no plan for the town. It…
City Squirrels are the Savvy Ones
City Squirrels are the Savvy Ones The squirrel was chilling in the street. No hurry, no worry, just chilling and enjoying a day in the city. No concern that traffic had no concern, and things were just fine as far as the city squirrel was concerned. A couple of quick jumps over to the sidewalk,…