Tag: fun

  • The new casino rules and lucky pockets

    The new casino rules and lucky pockets

    The new casino rules and lucky pockets Stan slams the door and walks down the hall. With each step, the lights in the ceiling flash on, then off. It is almost disorienting. However, Stan continues walking toward the Casino floor. The sounds from the activity in the Casino, get louder as he moves toward them.…

  • The family outing with the best drive thru

    The family outing with the best drive thru

    The family outing with the best drive thru The best night of the week. It was easily the best night of the week. Firstly because the family was all together. That is the mark of any close family. All together. Secondly, because everyone was excited about the adventure of the evening. There would be shopping,…

  • A carnivore and the easy grilled cheese sandwich

    A carnivore and the easy grilled cheese sandwich

    A carnivore and the easy grilled cheese sandwich A carnivore was in search of food. It was late in the afternoon and lunch was several hours ago. It was time to prepare for dinner. Chicken was on the menu. Also a good recipe for dinner was already simmering. Then the grilled cheese sandwich walked in…

  • The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans

    The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans

    The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans Caper Town started as a general store. It sat one mile from the rail line, and survived and grew, despite the isolation. Located near the rough entry of a large box canyon, it was plenty out of the way. There was no plan for the town. It…

  • How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

    How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

    How to fry an egg on the sidewalk Eggs are a great source of protein. They are also excellent for breakfast. Additionally they are very versatile. Depending on the chef, it is possible to cook an egg in several different styles. For example, scrambled or fried, or poached, or even boiled. With an ingredient that…

  • The dinner budget on haystacks

    The dinner budget on haystacks

    The dinner budget on haystacks Is it ever too early to think about what’s for dinner? Getting an early start means a little extra time to prepare. Depending on the size of the dinner party to be fed, this could be a good thing! Dinnertime is an important time. Not only is it a chance…

  • The stressful day and reading at leisure

    The stressful day and reading at leisure

    The stressful day and reading at leisure Everyone has one, once in a while. Some have them more often. And more than a few of those, have them consistently. The stressful day. If the hiccups came to mind, that opens up a possible segue. However, the stressful day is like a silent passenger that applies…