Interactive health and wellness
Interactive health and wellness This is another post about health and wellness. Nothing drastic like a call to action, or a new isometric exercise. However, it is interactive. Once upon a time the doctor’s office was a potentially boring place to wait. Phones were still tethered to walls and TV’s were not flat by any…
Exercise of games with strange names
Exercise of games with strange names So far the topics of exercise in this blog have been soft topics. Easy movements, and low impact movements, as long as there is movement! The playground is the place to be. Furthermore, the benefits of movement and activity, are many. The importance of activity and movement, to the…
Famous and infamous quotes (#5)
Famous and infamous quotes (#5) Famous and infamous quotes are a mixture of modern and historic quotes. They are readily available on the internet. However it is also possible to find a few on this site. The following quote is powerful and inspiring. It is included here in the hopes that it will continue to…
Famous and infamous quotes (#4)
Famous and Infamous Quotes (#4) After a small delay the famous infamous quotes are back! This one is a good one, and is by someone under 100 years old. The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. Stay tuned for more quotes…
That’s How You Know It’s Working
That’s How You Know It’s Working Got a scrape on my elbow yesterday. Nothing major, just a standard scrape. So, I decided to use that spray in the first aid kit, you know the one? The anti-bacterial it’s gonna sting like a bee spray? Did the spray, and it stung like a bee, and that’s…
Hide and seek who’s it?
Hide and seek who’s it? Not it! When was the last time those words were heard echoing across the yard? Those were the words that made ‘it’, out of whomever spoke them last. Sounds like either a game of tag, or a game of hide and seek. Now there’s a game worth playing, every one…