Tag: health & wellness

  • The new doctor search for health and wellness

    The new doctor search for health and wellness

    The new doctor search for health and wellness The search for a new doctor can be difficult. Actually it’s more difficult than saying the alphabet backwards. Furthermore, it’s usually somewhere around LMNOP that things get tricky. That is for the alphabet backwards trick. Going on a new doctor search is a pita. And pita is…

  • The encouraged and the unique for unlikely treasure

    The encouraged and the unique for unlikely treasure

    The encouraged and the unique for unlikely treasure Encouragement is one of the most useful tools a parent can have. However, it is easy to overlook. Ask any parent of a preteen how they manage, and patience will likely be the answer. Take this one step further, and ask a parent of a teenager how…

  • The unique challenge from the old family album

    The unique challenge from the old family album

    The unique challenge from the old family album The first time I thought about, how to tell this story, I was unsure how it could be told. A long time ago, these days were on the horizon. However, that was a long time ago. Back then, it was a long time away. Therefore, it was…

  • A nutrition label cipher for real ingredients

    A nutrition label cipher for real ingredients

    A nutrition label cipher for real ingredients A nutrition label is informational. It is also educational, and it can be a useful guide. One example of this, is a food allergy. For something as serious as a food allergy, the ingredient list is extremely important. It is also a useful tool for parents who are…

  • Choosing awareness with health and wellness

    Choosing awareness with health and wellness

    Choosing awareness with health and wellness A path in the woods isn’t always easy to see. In fact there are times when it is well hidden. However, it’s still there. When it’s not so easy to see, it’s called a trail. Once upon a time, learning to spot a trail, was a valued skill. Still…