Tag: inspiration

  • At the heart of the little things

    At the heart of the little things

    At the heart of the little things Dave slams the door shut and stomps across the room. His mood has not improved, and Conner is sure it won’t anytime soon. He watches his friend sit down and open his laptop. Conner knows what is going to happen and he wishes Dave did too. But Dave…

  • The winter weather imagination games

    The winter weather  imagination games

    The winter weather imagination games It looks like winter is about to get real. I just read the report for our area. Schools are already closing and children everywhere are cheering the added time off! I know at least one particular seven year old that is very excited about the snow day imagination vacation. The…

  • The first thought about a new year

    The first thought about a new year

    The first thought about a new year It was the end of the old year, and the beginning of the new year. It was more or less the same as the New Year celebrations that came before. Except it wasn’t, for the little one. It was apparent there were more questions brewing, than were being…

  • The only way up with Butterbeans

    The only way up with Butterbeans

    The only way up with Butterbeans The sound of Butterbeans’ barks and snarls fills the chamber, and the agents are spreading out as if to out flank Butterbeans. Alex has arrived in the nick of time as he takes up his position next to his friend. The air is heavy with tension as the agents…

  • Help from behind the dumpster

    Help from behind the dumpster

    Help from behind the dumpster Garret wasn’t afraid he would see it again. In fact, he expected to see it again. He watches as the sweeper truck continues sweeping the lot. Then he watches as it turns and leaves. That should be the last disturbance for the evening. He turns back to the others and…

  • What’s on the box and what’s in the box

    What’s on the box and what’s in the box

    What’s on the box and what’s in the box It’s that time again. In some cases it is the dreaded time. In other cases it is a normal time, to grocery shop. Everyone enjoys the trip to the grocery store. Well, maybe not everyone. Furthermore, a grocery store visit does feel like an exercise in…

  • Butterbeans and the last temple

    Butterbeans and the last temple

    Butterbeans and the last temple Alex runs even faster after hearing the explosion. Butterbeans is ahead, and pouring on the speed. They might make it, if they can get past the blast zone. The ground beneath Alex’s feet trembles and bucks. He nearly trips but keeps his footing. Up ahead Butterbeans has made it out…