Tag: love

  • The Landing Zone and love

    The Landing Zone and love

    The Landing Zone and love There isn’t another soul around, when he arrives. It’s night, and he’s alone. Looking around is strange, he has new eyes now. Then he takes a few steps forward and discovers he has new legs too. What a strange and odd feeling. A thought of her crosses his mind, and…

  • The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Moondance

    The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Moondance

    The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Moondance Eric pries at the lid on the top of the wooden crate. Emma watches him in silence. The lid is firmly attached. It doesn’t take Eric long to realize the hammer isn’t enough. Additionally, the crate is tall, and the top is at chest level. Furthermore there are…

  • The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Teamwork

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Teamwork

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Teamwork The day turned colder, and the skies were threatening rain. Emma waits at the car for Eric to finish up in the shipping office. She could tell from the activity, it wasn’t going well. She had been waiting for almost an hour. After last night, they both agreed…

  • The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Doubletake

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Doubletake

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Doubletake Benjamin Thomas parks his car in the third row. At the end of the row. It was going to take longer to get to his desk now. Additionally, he would be that much later than he already was. All he could hope for now, was to avoid the…

  • A hot scrambled mess, of eggs

    A hot scrambled mess, of eggs They’re good when they’re fried. A lot of things are good fried. Also they are good boiled and deviled. They are an important and essential ingredient of almost all things baked. However, first thing in the morning, they’re best as a hot scrambled mess! To be fair, this opinion…

  • The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Family

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Family

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Family Emma closes the door and locks it behind her. From here, her path wouldn’t come this way again. She tucks the key in the hideaway spot, and walks back to her car. The morning’s stress begins to fade as she enters her car. She was looking forward to…

  • A better candy for the win

    A better candy for the win

    A better candy for the win It’s the best candy ever made! Of course this is my opinion. It was unexpected to see this candy in the grocery store. Yet, there it was, on the bakery shelf. I had not seen this candy in years. In fact, my mother’s recipe was the last time. Not…