Tag: mystery

  • The Landing Zone part two – Better than flippers

    The Landing Zone part two – Better than flippers

    The Landing Zone part two – Better than flippers It takes him a few days before he gets the, no flipper thing. Learning to move one step at a time has been tricky. He still finds himself crouching to hop. However, he feels like he is fitting in. At least he wasn’t trying to catch…

  • The Retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Essence

    The Retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Essence

    The Retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Essence Benjamin parks the car at the park. His mind is still reeling from his brief, and final, encounter with Mr. Stevens. He decides a walk might help take the edge off. He feels lost, and extremely worried. There is no way he can face Jupiter yet. How could…

  • The investigation on Jenson Creek

    The investigation on Jenson Creek

    The investigation on Jenson Creek (The beginning of this story can be found in this link. It is one chapter and gives the backstory for this continuation.) The day is crisp and cool. The wind is blowing in gusts, and the rain has cleared. Denny pulls the sedan into the small parking lot next to…

  • The first lesson – Temperance effect

    The first lesson – Temperance effect

    The first lesson – Temperance effect He runs. And everything changes. Then it changes again. Life can be a series of ups and downs but Jeremy isn’t thinking any of this as he runs. The shouts that begin behind him are urgent. He doesn’t turn but runs even faster. The ground is shaking and he…

  • The shortest distance between two ways

    The shortest distance between two ways

    The shortest distance between two ways It only takes Jasper a moment to make up his mind. The question is when will be the right time? They are walking toward his truck. The man with the gun is walking behind Jasper. However, not closely. Jasper is determined to stall the fixated gunman until the cops…

  • Butterbeans further below

    Butterbeans further below

    Butterbeans further below They had landed soft. She had known its nest was down here. It is one reason she couldn’t let her person fall alone. They are in trouble and must leave, now! Butterbeans scrambles to her paws. She reaches him quickly and he is uninjured (he had fallen on one of its offspring,…