Tag: rise and shine

  • All the timing for better hot bread

    All the timing for better hot bread It has been said that timing is everything. It has also been proven that timing is everything. And it’s also been proven that good timing isn’t easy. In fact it’s difficult sometimes. Especially with hot rolls. Furthermore, timing is so important, it becomes complex in some cases. This…

  • What does your thingamajig do?

    What does your thingamajig do? Do you have a thingamajig? Is it in your kitchen? What’s it for? There is one in almost every kitchen. A thingamajig is either one of the most useful things ever, or it exists long forgotten, in storage somewhere. One valuable attribute the thingamajig has, is its desirability at a…

  • Carnivore cuisine, stuffing or no stuffing?

    Carnivore cuisine, stuffing or no stuffing? Sometimes it’s all in the recipe! Other times it’s in the quality of the ingredients. With this in mind it might be a good time for a disclaimer. This article is about the carnivore. Or more specifically, the food of the carnivore! Meat. The sustenance of the carnivore. The…

  • Holding out for the dessert tray

    Holding out for the dessert tray It’s that time of meal again. Dessert time. The meal has come to an end. Furthermore, it has been delicious. After what seems like forever, the dessert tray arrives. It is fantastic and shows that the wait can be worth it, sometimes. With this in mind, the dessert tray…

  • The old family pie recipe

    The old family pie recipe It’s an old family pie recipe. It’s an original and everyone in the family loves it. The recipe is from more than a few years ago and was created on the spur of the moment. (As most great things are) So what is the big deal? It’s a dinner pie…

  • Site updates and adjustments

    Site updates and adjustments Welcome back to the frog journal. This site is a work in progress. There is a method to the madness. It is possible to subscribe to the site now. The site is still usable without subscribing. However there is additional content for subscribers. Not only is there additional content for subscribers…

  • Health and wellness, and why it’s boring

    Health and wellness, and why it’s boring Is health and wellness boring? Does this question have an obvious answer? It is reasonable to consider the question. The word exercise doesn’t really call to mind, great adventure. But it could. Not only does that make exercise boring but also uninteresting. Thinking about exercise, health and wellness,…