Tag: wellness

  • The health and wellness industry with a list

    The health and wellness industry with a list

    The health and wellness industry with a list Health and wellness is a worthy goal. It is a goal that requires persistence and much follow through. Additionally, it isn’t the same journey for everyone. However, the pursuit of an improved state of being, is common to all those who seek it. With this in mind,…

  • Health and wellness abbreviated

    Health and wellness abbreviated

    Health and wellness abbreviated After dinner comes desert. Also after lunch comes desert. But that’s not the normal tradition. Speaking of traditions, there are more than a few of those being upended these days. Such as breakfast. There is now the thought that the cookies and cream breakfast cereal, isn’t the best day starter after…

  • The better ten second reset

    The better ten second reset

    The better ten second reset This was an amazing creation. In fact, it was one of the most complex creations yet. The same as every excellent Lego adventure! This one was no different. This project, was about a favorite video character. In other words, the little one was creating his own version of something. Furthermore,…

  • Holding out for the dessert tray

    Holding out for the dessert tray It’s that time of meal again. Dessert time. The meal has come to an end. Furthermore, it has been delicious. After what seems like forever, the dessert tray arrives. It is fantastic and shows that the wait can be worth it, sometimes. With this in mind, the dessert tray…

  • The cream cheese and pepper game

    The cream cheese and pepper game Dinnertime is an exciting time! Previous articles on this site have been about the joy of dinnertime. Not only with enticing recipes but also recipes that are easy on the budget. Ease of preparation is also a part of the joy of dinnertime. However not every dish is a…

  • The old family pie recipe

    The old family pie recipe It’s an old family pie recipe. It’s an original and everyone in the family loves it. The recipe is from more than a few years ago and was created on the spur of the moment. (As most great things are) So what is the big deal? It’s a dinner pie…

  • Health and wellness, and why it’s boring

    Health and wellness, and why it’s boring Is health and wellness boring? Does this question have an obvious answer? It is reasonable to consider the question. The word exercise doesn’t really call to mind, great adventure. But it could. Not only does that make exercise boring but also uninteresting. Thinking about exercise, health and wellness,…