The Interactive Storm Spotter and Weathervane

The Interactive Storm Spotter and the Weathervane

The Interactive Storm Spotter and Weathervane

The current wind conditions are gusty! Some gusts at 45 mph or stronger, possible. The news is about the impending storms. They are sweeping across a large part of the south, as this is being written.

I think of the trees that are close to the home. Next comes the battery check, all stocked there. Then make sure everything is charged, in case of power loss. Next comes the interactive storm spotter, to watch those gales blow through.

While watching the storms outside, from inside, it seemed like a good time, for some retro flashback, to accompany the interactive storm spotter. I found an old western show, and have tuned in.


The old western has all the good stuff, bad guys, good guys, stagecoaches and horses, along with raucous mischief in noisy saloons. There is also a storm brewing.

The storm is windy and becoming ever more intense. There is a weathervane on the little town schoolhouse, and it is getting some work from those winds. The townfolk are speculating on the severity of the storms, they are coming from the west, and this is bad.

The Interactive Storm Spotter and the Weathervane

I take a break here, to glimpse at my own interactive weathervane. It seems as though the storms are coming from the west, this could get bad. Possible tornadoes and hail, all the good stuff.

Getting back to the show, I notice some of the townfolk have gathered in the bank, to weather the storms, together. The weathervane is going crazy at the top of the little school house now, the winds are so bad it may break free. The rain is cascading in sheets, and now it’s a struggle to get indoors.


Time to check the interactive progress of my real world storms. They are coming along nicely, moving at about the exact times that are predicted. And now the power is out. Good thing the batteries are stocked.

At least I knew this was on the way, because I was keeping an eye on it. The townfolk had been keeping an eye on the weathervane, ” if it turns any more north, this will be real bad”, the old town doc had said.

I wonder if it did? My interactive storm spotter puts the storms right on top of my location, currently, the worst is still ahead. If it turns any more north, well, you get the idea.

While the power is down, I think about the townfolk in the town bank, weathering the storm together. I can’t remember if the old doc was in the group gathered there. That’s when the power went out. He did tell the sheriff before the power went out, at least.

Storm spotter

The sheriff was on the trail chasing a bad guy, he didn’t have time to check the weathervane. He just nodded when old doc gave the weathervane prediction. All this happened before the gathering at the bank.

The power is also back on now. Additionally, the storms have passed on the retro show, and the townfolk appear to be relieved at the passing of the storm. The storms have passed here as well. Now they are off to points further east.

It was a good feeling to be able to keep an eye on the interactive storm spotter, and the weathervane. The old and the new , high tech and low tech, lending a helping hand and keeping folks as safe as possible.

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