The learning curve and Butterbeans

The learning curve and Butterbeans

The trip to the main entry, took less than ten minutes. The base was immense, with much of its vast size unseen. Today Alex and Butterbeans were going to a new section of the base. Hence their apprehension.

The main entrance was usual and mundane. Nothing distinguished it as an entrance into the bizarre. He parks the truck in one of the standard parking spots and unfastens Butterbeans from her safety harness.

The day is balmy and humid. No breeze slight, or otherwise stirs the air. He gathers their equipment while Butterbeans explores the immediate area around the truck. There are no new scents that peak her interest however, as they walk to the entry doors.

There are 113 levels below, where they currently stand. These are the ones that Alex knows of. There are undoubtedly more. Many of the levels are dedicated to R & D. Research and development into the unknown and unpredictable.

Learning Curve

This is one of the things that made Butterbeans so special and valuable. Early warnings. Butterbeans and Alex were a team of early warning specialists. There were no hocus pocus, or serious lab abnormalities, in the genetics. Just intuition and teamwork.

The hidden elevator doors slide open, almost noiselessly, and Alex boards behind Butterbeans. She is even more excited than usual today. He punches the number for level 113, and watches the doors slide closed. The descent would take several minutes.

Their first days on the base had been spent in the first few levels. It was important to gain a sense of scope on things. Before the more bizarre things are learned. And there were very bizarre things at this base in the desert. He looks at Butterbeans, who is watching the elevator door intently.

The learning curve and Butterbeans

After a few more minutes the elevator begins to slow and Alex begins checking their gear once more before they exit. A team would be in place already, and they still had to get to the other side of the level. It had recently been expanded.

The learning curve and Butterbeans

As the elevator slows further, Alex notices the hair on Butterbean’s neck is standing straight up, and he can now detect the low and ominous sound of a growl rumbling through her retriever body. The elevator comes to a soft stop at level 113.

The retriever barks once. Loud! Alex is startled but prepared nonetheless. They have planned and trained for any type of scenario. Even if it’s unexpected.Then the retriever begins a ferocious attack before the elevator doors are fully open. Alex has mere seconds before the lights go out, and the party starts. ~to be continued

Previous Butterbeans Story

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