The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Destined

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Destined

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Destined

Eric watches Emma’s expression as she reads the information in the papers. He thinks about when he first learned the startling news. He took the time to reread the papers, because he was surprised and felt subtle things clicking into place. His mind began making connections, almost immediately. Furthermore, he couldn’t escape the feeling of things happening, just beyond understanding.

Therefore, he feels surprised again, when Emma crumples the papers, and throws them across the room. Then, she abruptly rises from her chair. Eric can see that tears are streaming from her eyes, and she begins shaking her head back and forth. From a whisper to an exclamation, she is repeating the same words.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Destined

“Not possible…not possible..” She turns from the table, where just moments before, there was to be an intimate dinner for two. Then she leaves the room for the garage below. Eric feels stunned, and at a complete loss as to what has happened. However, he decides to follow her, and try to be available in case there is anything he can do to help.

He finds her standing just outside the garage door, smoking a cigarette. It is later evening, and much cooler outside, than in. Furthermore, he notices she is shivering and struggling to hold back tears. Eric immediately offers her his jacket, and places it across her trembling shoulders. Then he quietly stands beside her as he gazes upon the empty lot that used to be his house. His house. None of this makes any sense to him. Furthermore, how has he come to be here in this predicament?

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Destined

Much less with this intelligent, and intriguing woman. Who is also as much mystery, as she is compelling? Maybe there is a way they can help one another. It certainly seems like fate has drawn them together for some purpose. It is more than coincidence, of this he is sure.

The compelling work

Jupiter Davis is waiting for Benjamin Thomas to return. Furthermore, she is considering getting him a new watch. One that works. They must leave soon or they will be late and Jupiter is never late. Similarly, she prefers to be fashionably early. With this in mind she decides to wait on the porch. In this way they can leave for the appointment the minute Ben arrives.

The porch is a wrap around deluxe. In fact, they had both fallen in love with the house, the minute they saw the front porch. Benjamin was convinced they were destined to find this house. Jupiter was in complete agreement. It had everything they needed to start their family. They have been married for almost two years. And they bought the house the day after their wedding. Many of their friends, and family alike, were anticipating some happy news.

Which is why Jupiter Davis was waiting for Benjamin Thomas, in the early morning hours. She was to see Dr. Roberts today. By tomorrow they would know for sure. Jupiter pauses just outside the front door. Indeed, she is trying to decide if she will need to visit the restroom again this morning, when Ben pulls into the driveway. He jumps quickly from the car, and races to the porch to help Jupiter.

The secret

Benjamin is on the porch in an instant, and is apologizing to Jupiter before she can say anything. He is doting and extremely gentle with Jupiter as always. He offers his arm for her, and that is when she notices his torn clothing, and the bruises about his face. Furthermore, there is an underlying scent that she is unable to identify. However, she can smell smoke and she feels more than alarmed. She looks into Ben’s eyes and sees something that alarms her even more as she exclaims her surprise.

“Benjamin Thomas! What on earth has happened to you? What is going on?”

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