The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Monopoly

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Monopoly

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Monopoly

Benjamin sits across from Mr. Stephens and tries to follow along. The two hired henchmen are hovering near the door that leads to the factory. Benjamin and Mr. Stephens are sitting across from one another. They are at a desk. So far Benjamin has heard all about the years of planning. And the years spent building a system, that no one noticed.

Next, Benjamin is offered reasons why it is important that nothing stands in the way of progress. A small business like Mr. Stephens needed to have key assets in order to move ahead. Benjamin is aware that Mr. Stephens is watching him closely. Furthermore, he can sense the two goons edging in, from behind.

However, in the next few sentences Mr. Stephens confirms the growing alarm Benjamin has been feeling. They have been watching his house. His and Jupiter’s house. Furthermore, they have been trying to scare Jupiter. And the twins. Benjamin can feel the two goons standing almost directly behind him. It didn’t matter now. Because now he was mad.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

Mr. Stephens begins explaining how a monopoly will change everything. It was all down to one piece. Just one piece of the puzzle, falling into place. Benjamin sees Mr. Stephens give just the slightest nod. From behind him, Benjamin feels a hand reach out and grip his arm tightly.

Benjamin lets loose with a flurry of punches. The hired henchman takes several of the blows full force. He sways heavily on his feet, and tries to grab Benjamin. Meanwhile the other goon, using the gun as a club, strikes Benjamin on the head. Benjamin sees stars and grabs the hand with the gun.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Monopoly

Now Benjamin and the henchman are locked in a wrestling match over the gun. As he struggles, Benjamin feels a mighty blow hit his head and neck. The other goon is attacking simultaneously. Now the gun goes off. It is loud, and the smell of sulfur fills Benjamin’s nose. He sees stars from all the blows to the head. Now the gun fires again, then two more times.


Benjamin struggles and pulls, and twists and fights the henchman with the gun. They have fallen to the floor and it is all Benjamin can do to keep the gun pointed away from himself as they wrestle. The gun fires twice more, and a few seconds later Benjamin is no longer struggling against the henchman.

Benjamin rolls and then scrambles away from the henchman on the floor. He carefully stands, expecting to be attacked at any second. However, all is quiet in the office. Ben looks around and sees the other henchman laying on the floor. Similarly, Mr. Stephens is laying across the desk. He decides it’s now or never, and he bolts for the door.

Of Jupiter’s Heart

Jupiter has just gotten the twins to sleep. It took a while because they were missing Benjamin. It was very rare for them to go to sleep without Benjamin being there. She crosses the living room, and pulls back the curtains. Then she looks out at the empty driveway. Although Ben still hasn’t returned, she hasn’t begun to panic. Yet.

However, she worries this has something to do with the mysterious vandals who broke their windows. At the moment she can only hope Ben will return as soon as possible. Therefore, she prepares a plate for him, from the supper she made earlier. ‘Leave now’. The words kept echoing in her mind. Who could want them out of here so badly? And why?

Furthermore, did Ben know anything about it? She hadn’t thought about it in a while, but there had to be a reason. She ponders, and studies what she does know. Additionally, she has her friends and they visit every other day. Therefore she would begin her discovery as soon as she was able. With more than a little relief, she hears Benjamin pull into the driveway. Finally, they could talk.

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The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Monopoly

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